Big Bang: Cosmic Marbles

Big Bang is a mobile game that present an alternative vision of the origin of the universe based on a traditional chilean game called "La Troya". The narrative and aesthetics was inspired by the album "Chilenáutica" from "La Cuadrilla Cueca Chilena" a chilean folk-music band which create a whole album dedicated to the mysteries of the universe.

Press Kit Download
  • Play in the universe

    As you play you'll find different elements of the universe as asteroids, nebulae, worm holes and even black holes! Each introduces a game mechanic to challenge you over and over again.

  • Inspired by a traditional chilean game

    Big Bang Game mechanics were constructed from the traditional chilean game called "La Troya" where the children drew a circle on the ground and had to remove the marbles without being in it.

  • "Chilenáutica" Album

    The game was conceived after listening to the album "Chilenáutica" by "La Cuadrilla Cueca Chilena", because of this we decided to incorporate three songs that perfectly embody the experience of the game. "La Cuadrilla Cueca Chilena" Web site.

    OS Support iOS (Universal App), Android.
    Engine Cocos2D-X, Box2D physics engine.
    Features 4 Galaxies, 72 levels, 3 difficulties per level and much more…
    Version 1.1

Grids, buttons, alerts

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Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.

This is a alert…

This is a red alert…

This is a yellow alert…

<p class="alert green"> … <p>

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#header h1 a { 
	display: block; 
	width: 300px; 
	height: 80px; 


Big Bang 1.1

Stable version.

  • New Chartboost implementation

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